Wednesday, November 08, 2006


This has gotta be the worse day over, feeling pretty down

So i woke up pretty early like 7 am or so and went to school, knowing i'll be late anyway i made my way there slowly. As expected i was late and was caught outside the gate. After a short while it's time to go in stand there wait for assembly to over, then i went to the classroom.

Then i was like "wtf ?", how come i don't see anyone from my class ?

Oh yea, today lesson begins at 9, later then usual.


Then later i meet up with the rest and went to class - late. Mr tang was like"Wah i so happy today see you so early come, but then how come you still late for my class"

Before i continue typing i just want to say damn am i hungry now or what ?

Man, i think i'm going all emo, saw some guy whole like a hell lot like me from the back. Seeing him walking around, holy crap it was like looking at myself, although he only looked like me from the back, same loser aura + 5. Low class guy eh ?

He was with his girlfriend, i guess they suit each other. As i heard Mrs yu say today in class, men dang wu due.

I'm so hungry now, very hungry. I don't feel like doing anything. Where is that kartina anyway, i feel like pwning her on msn as i always do. Aini lavigne is never online too, speaking of her, that reminds me, i haven't seen Fadhilah online in a while too. I wonder what happened to her and where she is now.

It's almost like when i want something i don't get it, when i don't want it however i get it.

Like ice lemon tea, i have a while bottle in the fridge but i don't feel like drinking it now.

Yesterday however i wanted to drink one but didn't have on in the fridge.

Oh man


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